MIS Business School

Policy and Procedures

Application Requirements and Procedures

1. Course counsellors are supposed to conduct pre-course counselling during the application stage. This is to ensure that potential students are well informed of any course and school information prior to making a decision.

2. The list of pre-course counselling information is available in the Section: Pre-Course Counselling under the Programme Application Form and all course counsellors would need to confirm that they have conducted the pre-course counselling according to the list.

3. Course counsellors would also need to make sure to cover the additional information needed for all student pass holders. They would include: –

  • Informing these students that they are not permitted to engage in any form of employment or attend an industrial attachment/internship programme, whether paid or unpaid, without a valid work pass issued by Ministry of Manpower;
  • Other relevant Singapore laws; and
  • Student’s Pass application requirements and procedures.

4. Upon completion of the pre-course counselling, students interested to proceed to sign up for the course would need to submit the Programme Application Form and all relevant supporting documents as required.

5. The School would be allowed to collect Student Application Fees at this stage prior to the signing of actual student contract. This is a fee that is charge to process each application. An original receipt should be issued to students for any such fees paid.

6. Upon receiving the Programme Application Form and all relevant supporting documents, Operations Department would need to assess if students meet the entry requirements of the course they have applied for and also to verify the originality of all supporting documents.

7. If the applicant does not meet the minimum entry requirements of the course, a designated Academic Board Member could consider their admission to the course based if the Applicant
Has other acceptable merits (i.e., working experience, prior learning experience)
Goes through further interviews or assessments and they are deemed to be able to fit into course requirements

8. For such special cases (i.e., applicants that do not meet the minimum entry requirements), records of approval and the documents to support it would need to be documented in a special entry memo.

9. Applicant may apply for module exemptions using the Application for Exemption form with relevant supporting documents which may consist of syllabus, curriculum, certificate of registration of the institution. All applications for exemption are to be approved by a designated Academic Board Member. Applications for module exemptions will not be considered once the course has commenced.

10. Upon approval, the Operations Department would need to prepare a Letter of offer which will be given to the applicant. This would include the course title and relevant information that the student is eligible for.

Admission Procedures

1. Upon receipt of the Letter of Offer and if the applicant would want to confirm to enrol in the course that has been offered to them, the Operations Department would need to prepare the Form 12 – Advisory Note and student contract with the following operational guidelines that must be adhered to strictly: –

  • Form 12 – Advisory Note must be explained to students and signed prior to the execution of the student contract. (Note: Both can be dated on the same day but students will need to sign the Form 12 – Advisory Note first).
  • All applicants would need to have a duly executed student contract for each individual course. If the applicant is signing up for 2 or more separate courses, there would need to be individual student contracts for each course.
  • Signing of a late enrolment declaration letter by student to ensure that they are aware of the implications and agree to the late enrolment (i.e., joining after course commencement).
  • To ensure that both parties acknowledge any amendments made to the student contract or via signing student contract addendums

2. Once the student contract is duly executed, Finance Department can then proceed to issue invoices based on the fees as stated in the student contract.

3. Finance Department needs to double check and ensure that the fees in the invoices do not exceed the fee collection cap as stated in the FPS Instruction Manual and that all fees paid by students would have accompanying original receipts issued to them.

4. Upon the receipt of any course fees, Finance Department is to purchase the FPS within 7 working days

5. Operations Department is to inform all international students of their student pass application status on whether it is approved or rejected. For any rejections, Operations Department can submit an appeal with relevant justifications and supporting documents.

6. In the event that student pass application is rejected, including the appeals, the, Operations Department is to proceed with processing any refunds based on the Refund Policy found in the Student Contract.

7. Operations Department is to schedule an orientation for all newly enrolled students to ensure that critical course information is being disseminated to them

  • Students to agree the use of their information and to give consent for the information to be used for marketing and / or promotional efforts.
  • Students are then to acknowledge and confirm that they have gone through the orientation and have understood all required and necessary information. Declaration and acknowledgement are documented in the Student Orientation and Acknowledgement Checklist.
  • Students are also to rate the service quality given during the pre-course counselling sessions via the Pre-Course Counselling Satisfaction Survey.

Transfer / Withdrawal / Deferment Policy

1. The maximum processing time from students request of any transfer, withdrawal, and deferment to notifying students of the outcome in writing should not exceed 4 weeks.

2. The School will based the student requests on the following definitions: –

  • Course Transfer: Student changes the course or period of study (from full-time to part-time or vice versa) but remains as a student of the school
  • Course Withdrawal: Student discontinues all courses with the PEI
  • Deferment: Student delays or postpones the course (or modules)

3. Conditions for granting Course Transfer:

  • All outstanding fees must be settled prior to approval of request.
  • Student must fulfil the admission criteria of the new course and will be subjected to the MISBS student selection and admission procedures.
  • ICA will be informed by MISBS through the cancellation of the student pass (for student pass holders) for students who have withdrew from the School.

4. Conditions for granting Course Deferment:

  • Deferment is subjected to the availability of courses and modules offered. The school reserves the right to offer similar courses and modules in replacement of discontinued courses or modules.
  • The maximum period of deferment that is allowed will be 12 months (i.e., Student will need to commence the Course within this maximum period). Requests for extension can be considered on a case-by-case basis.
  • Students are to note that they will need to apply for a new student pass when re-joining the MISBS and this is subjected to ICA’s approval.

Refund Policy

1. The maximum processing time from students request of withdrawal (with refunds) to the issuance of the qualified refund amount should not exceed 7 working days and the Operations Department would need to inform students on how the refund amounts are being computed.

2. As the Student Contract can differ based on which periods that they are signed, and that each Student Contract is a legally binding document, reference should be made to each Student Contract that is signed with the MISBS with regards to the refund terms and conditions for

  • Withdrawal due to non-delivery of course
  • Withdrawal due to other reasons
  • Withdrawals made during the cooling off period

3. As the refund table can differ based on which periods that they are signed, and that each Student Contract is a legally binding document, reference should be made to each Student Contract that is signed with the School with regards to the % of refunds as stated in the Refund Table (Schedule D of the Student Contract).

4. All non-refundable amounts in the Student Contract are to be highlighted. As a guide of reference for internal employees whom are preparing the Student Contract, the following are references for non-refundable fees: –

  • Application Fee

Procedures for Refunds, Transfers, Withdrawals and Deferments

1. For any requests on Refunds, Transfers, Withdrawals and Deferments, students are to fill in the Student Request Form and submit them to the Operations Department.

2. Students should state the reasons for the request.

3. Operations Department would need to then arrange a meet-up with the student to understand more on the rationale of request if necessary. This would be part of the processing of student request and details would need to be documented in the Student Request Form.

4. For any refund cases, the Operations Department would need to explain and also document down in the Student Request Form on how the refund amount is being computed.

5. Upon management approval or acknowledgement, Operations Department would need to notify students in writing of the outcome via the following documents: –

  • Notification of Course Transfer
  • Notification of Course Deferment
  • Notification of Course Withdrawal

6. Operations Department would need to take note of the maximum processing time, including informing students of final outcome, as follows: –

  • Refunds, including payment made to students: within 7 working days
  • Transfers, Withdrawals and Deferment: within 4 weeks

Late Payment Policy

MISBS adopts the Late Payment Policy as per Clause 1.4 of the Student Contract as set out by CPE. All course fees must be paid before or by the scheduled due dates which are reflected in Schedule B of the Student Contract. MISBS considers payment made 7 day after the scheduled due date(s) in Schedule B (as per the Student Contract) as late.

A late payment fee of 2% of outstanding couse fee per week (reflected in Schedule C) may be imposed if payment is received after the scheduled due dates. Failure to comply may lead to the student’s name being removed from the class attendance list.

MISBS reserves the rights to make amendments to the terms and conditions of the policy. All decision of the MISBS’s Management is final.

Appeal Procedure

1. All appeals are to be submitted in writing, within 7 working days from the release of assessment results and the results of the appeals are to be made known to the students within 4 weeks.

2. No appeal will be accepted for the re-grading of a paper in which the student has passed.

3. Only one appeal per assessment is allowed.

4. All appeals will be managed in a fair and impartial manner, without any discriminatory practices.

Dispute Resolution Policy and Procedures

MISBS is committed to ensuring a safe and conducive environment for students. By providing a channel for student’s feedback and resolve any disputes in order to meet the expectations of its student is an integral part of the work ethic of MISBS.

The list of (informal) Feedback Channels includes:

  • Student Orientation
  • Pre-course counselling
  • Emails
  • Personal and / or group conversations
  • Surveys

The official feedback channel would be via the Feedback Form requested from Operations Department. Operations Department are to acknowledge the receipt with the person providing the Feedback within 3 working days. For any official feedback to be processed, the Feedback Form would need to be submitted. Any other feedback from other channels would be considered as informal feedback.

All official complaints must be properly recorded and /or documented. Any correspondence (including actions taken) between the MISBS and the complainant must be annexed as evidence. This is to ensure that any staffs handling the case are kept aware of the progress / outcomes.

Operations Department is to respond to respective students within 3 working days of receipt of any official complaints received. This is to ensure that students are aware that MISBS is aware of the Complaint received and is in the process of handling it.

All complaints must be resolved within 21 working days. In the event that the deadline is not adhered to, respective students must be notified and the reasons with regards to the delay must be made known.

In the event that MISBS and the student cannot come to an agreement, or the student does not accept the final decision made by the Management Team, they will be referred to Singapore Mediation Centre (SMC) or Singapore School of Arbitrators (SIArb) for mediation.

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